Connect with another way of knowing.


In this arena, the horses hold the lessons for whatever questions you bring with you regardless of what you’re working on. The results are often breakthroughs that arrive more quickly with a deeper, felt sense of impact from these experiences than could have been discovered through conversations or problem-solving techniques.



What can horses teach you about your relationships, yourself, and your way of being in the world? By giving us greater awareness of ourselves and the field we create, horses teach elusive yet essential personal growth and organizational change concepts in ways that are experienced, felt, and help reshape our neural landscape to support new growth and possibilities.



As prey animals, the equine nervous system is hyper-specific, which means they have an acute sensitivity which can read what’s happening on the landscape in a half mile radius around them. Horses can also pick up on emotions and feeling states of herd members. When you are in their presence, as part of the herd, they can read you too. In that way, they can help us find congruence in ourselves with who we really are, how we are being, and how our wholeness serves the whole herd.